Identify muscles & actions for 1 through 16 in the image below:
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Answer Key
1. Levator labii superioris
Elevates upper lip
2. Zygomaticus minor
Elevates corners of lips
3. Zygomaticus major
Elevates corners of lips
4. Risorius
Draws corners of lips laterally
5. Buccinator
Compresses cheeks
6. Mentalis
Protrudes lower lip
7. Depressor labii inferioris
Depresses lower lip
8. Depressor anguli oris
Draws corners of lip inferolaterally
9. Orbicularis oris
Closes mouth, puckers lips
10. Nasalis
Compresses & widens nares
11. Orbicularis oculi
Closes eye
12. Epicranius (frontal belly)
Elevates eyebrows & wrinkles forehead
13. Sternohyoid
Depresses larynx
14. Sternocleidomastoid
Flexes & laterally rotates neck
15. Masseter
Elevates mandible
16. Temporalis
Elevates mandible
*Some anatomy instructors identify this muscle as:
Frontal belly of occipitofrontalis
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There are no real shortcuts for learning muscles and actions. Payng attention to the muscle origins and insertions can help with figuring out the action and, sometimes, even the name of the muscle.
Making flashcards with the muscle names on one side and its action on the other side is a great way to learn the actions.